The Franconia Cemetery Trustees maintain records of burials and lots and burials in Elmwood and Willow cemetery.
Click on the underlined headings to see the list of records.
As part of their record keeping, they have added additional information from their files to a master spreadsheet which started as a list of stone inscriptions compiled by Barbara Holt in 2013. Holt was the Chair of the Franconia Cemetery Trustees and the lead Historian and Researcher for the Franconia Heritage Museum. She passed away in 2019. The Cemetery Trustees maintain the spreadsheet.
The spreadsheet is merged with several Word documents to create PDF reports. The report file names all start with MERGED ALL to indicate they contain records from both Elmwood and Willow and are the merged reports. The list below does not contain all of our reports.
Surnames in alphabetical order. PDF
This is a list of all burials in the Elmwood and Willow Cemeteries. It contains minimal information that includes the Surname, First Name, Middle Name, Maiden Name, burial location, FindAGrave memorial id, birth year and death year. Volunteers have taken pictures of stones and provided links to related stones on FindAGrave, a free website.
Maiden Names.PDF
This is a list of a woman’s birth surname, commonly called her maiden name. This report contains the same information as the Surname list, except it is sorted by maiden name order. Once the inscription spreadsheet was created, we used both the information on the stone as well as independent genealogical research to determine a maiden name.
PC plots.PDF
This is a list of burials in Perpetual Care Lots. The Franconia Cemetery Trustees, Franconia Trustees of the Trust Funds and the NH Attorney Generals office spent a considerable amount of time reconstructing Perpetual Care account funds that were incorrectly merged into one general cemetery account. There are very strict rules about how funds from an individual perpetual care account can be spent.
In the Spring, the Franconia Sexton puts flags next to every veteran’s grave. Our veteran list includes the era of service and the branch of service or unit. The Franconia Heritage Museum and visitors continue to assist us in identifying veterans.
Plots by location.PDF
A plot is a part of a lot. This list is similar to the Surnames list, except it is sorted in Section-Range/Row-Lot order by cemetery. This is list is useful in locating a specific lot which may not be marked well. This document is used in the Guide to Finding (see below).
Franconia Cemetery Maps
Two general, not to scale maps, of Elmwood and Willow Cemeteries. They are designed to assist someone in finding a stone or lot identified in any of the above lists.
Guide to Finding
Trying to find a grave or lot can be confusing for the first time. This document gives an overview and some examples in Elmwood using the above lists and maps.
The Franconia Cemetery Trustees maintain records of burials and lots and burials in Elmwood and Willow cemetery.
Click on the underlined headings to see the list of records.
As part of their record keeping, they have added additional information from their files to a master spreadsheet which started as a list of stone inscriptions compiled by Barbara Holt in 2013. Holt was the Chair of the Franconia Cemetery Trustees and the lead Historian and Researcher for the Franconia Heritage Museum. She passed away in 2019. The Cemetery Trustees maintain the spreadsheet.
The spreadsheet is merged with several Word documents to create PDF reports. The report file names all start with MERGED ALL to indicate they contain records from both Elmwood and Willow and are the merged reports. The list below does not contain all of our reports.
Surnames in alphabetical order. PDF
This is a list of all burials in the Elmwood and Willow Cemeteries. It contains minimal information that includes the Surname, First Name, Middle Name, Maiden Name, burial location, FindAGrave memorial id, birth year and death year. Volunteers have taken pictures of stones and provided links to related stones on FindAGrave, a free website.
Maiden Names.PDF
This is a list of a woman’s birth surname, commonly called her maiden name. This report contains the same information as the Surname list, except it is sorted by maiden name order. Once the inscription spreadsheet was created, we used both the information on the stone as well as independent genealogical research to determine a maiden name.
PC plots.PDF
This is a list of burials in Perpetual Care Lots. The Franconia Cemetery Trustees, Franconia Trustees of the Trust Funds and the NH Attorney Generals office spent a considerable amount of time reconstructing Perpetual Care account funds that were incorrectly merged into one general cemetery account. There are very strict rules about how funds from an individual perpetual care account can be spent.
In the Spring, the Franconia Sexton puts flags next to every veteran’s grave. Our veteran list includes the era of service and the branch of service or unit. The Franconia Heritage Museum and visitors continue to assist us in identifying veterans.
Plots by location.PDF
A plot is a part of a lot. This list is similar to the Surnames list, except it is sorted in Section-Range/Row-Lot order by cemetery. This is list is useful in locating a specific lot which may not be marked well. This document is used in the Guide to Finding (see below).
Franconia Cemetery Maps
Two general, not to scale maps, of Elmwood and Willow Cemeteries. They are designed to assist someone in finding a stone or lot identified in any of the above lists.
Guide to Finding
Trying to find a grave or lot can be confusing for the first time. This document gives an overview and some examples in Elmwood using the above lists and maps.