Snap Shot Challenge

Love trivia, puzzles and the three communities of Franconia, Sugar Hill and Easton? Think you know the area well? Take the Challenge. Every week we will post a new Snap Shot. Correctly identify the Snap Shot and email your answer. We will randomly select a winner each week. The person who correctly identify the most over a 8 week period
will be entered in a raffle to win a gift certificate at Franconia Sport Shop.
Week 8 Congratulations to Christi Shaw-Doran

Gale River Trail in Fox Hill Park is beautiful in all seasons. So put on your x-c skis, snowshoes or boots and enjoy winter.
Week 7 Congratulations to Kevin Johnson

Yes this is the road sign for Lover's Lane Rd in Sugar Hill. One of my most favorite bike rides takes me on this road.
Week 6 Congratulations to Tina Peabody

One of many signs at the Mittersill Resort
In 1941 Baron Hubert von Pantz purchased 550 acres on the north slope of Mt. Jackson,
including a section of the Taft trail. He and some partners developed a hotel, built several chalets, and installed a ski lift, and in 1946, Mittersill opened for business. Three years later, in 1949, Swiss Paul Valar and Austrian Paula Kann arrived in the area. Paul would
found the Franconia Ski School at Cannon, and with Paula, would run the ski schools at Mittersill and Mount Sunapee through the 1970s.
In 1950, the Baron left the area, and returned to Austria- back to the Schloss Mittersill.
In 1961, the Professional Ski Instructors of America was formed, with Paul as one of the 7 original incorporators.
By 1969, Mittersill had 2 T Bars, and a Hall Chairlift, with a vertical drop of over 1000 feet.
The winters of 1980 and 1981 were very poor ones for winter sports. The area finally was closed in 1984.
In 1941 Baron Hubert von Pantz purchased 550 acres on the north slope of Mt. Jackson,
including a section of the Taft trail. He and some partners developed a hotel, built several chalets, and installed a ski lift, and in 1946, Mittersill opened for business. Three years later, in 1949, Swiss Paul Valar and Austrian Paula Kann arrived in the area. Paul would
found the Franconia Ski School at Cannon, and with Paula, would run the ski schools at Mittersill and Mount Sunapee through the 1970s.
In 1950, the Baron left the area, and returned to Austria- back to the Schloss Mittersill.
In 1961, the Professional Ski Instructors of America was formed, with Paul as one of the 7 original incorporators.
By 1969, Mittersill had 2 T Bars, and a Hall Chairlift, with a vertical drop of over 1000 feet.
The winters of 1980 and 1981 were very poor ones for winter sports. The area finally was closed in 1984.
Week 5 Congratulations to Max Simpson

He's just a small town boy!
This is on Ridge Rd. at the junction with Lafayette Rd.
Some will win and some will lose....
This is on Ridge Rd. at the junction with Lafayette Rd.
Some will win and some will lose....
Week 4 Congratulations to Linda Brown

Yes Santa was impersonating Mojo on a motorcycle
Week 3 Congratulations to Tucker Cowles

This is the center of the sign at the Sugar Hill Fire Station.
Week 2 Congratulations to Holly Hayward

1805- Francis Whitcomb and Luke Brooks, part of a Franconia surveying crew employed by the State of NH to map out the Pemigewassett Turnpike, were the first white settlers to record observing the Old Man of the Mountains, according to official New Hamshire history. The two of them were simultaneously struck by the resemblance to that of Thomas Jefferson.
Luke Brooks was laid to rest in the Willow Cemetary located on Rt 116 next to the tennis courts at the Franconia Inn.
Several decendants of Luke Brooks still reside in the area, Mary Ellen Gilbert of Franconia and Dayton Goudie of Littleton are two I know of.
Week 1 Congratulations to Robert Williams

for noticing the blue tarp on the cupola of the Dow Academy.
The tarp was put on to protect the building and clock. The whole cupola needs to be replaced, but funding is the problem. Check out this page for more details
The tarp was put on to protect the building and clock. The whole cupola needs to be replaced, but funding is the problem. Check out this page for more details
Bob Whitney answered 9 out of 12 correctly for bragging rights to the Snap Shot Photo Contest for the second time!
I'm sure you can find lots of great things at the Franconia Sports Shop, so congrats to you and keep up the good work!
Congratulations to Robert Whitney III

for correctly identifying the boat launch on Streeter Pond. This is public access maintain by the NH Fish & Game Dept. Great fishing and kayaking and I have seen otters in this lake
Congratulations to Christi Shaw-Doran

This web collects all kind of kids at the Lafayette Elementary School and was built by a community of volunteers two years ago and paid for by the LPTO and a grant from LCHIP.
Congratulations to Jean Serino

This is Jules Vernes' Boat House located in Bob & Barbara Every's yard in Easton.
Did you know Bob and his son's hiked the entire Applachian Trail?
Did you know Bob and his son's hiked the entire Applachian Trail?
Congratulations to Tom Eyman

This is the New Dugout on the third base side of the Lafayette Field.
Generously made possible by;
Coventry Log Homes, LPTO, Gordie & Sam Johnk, Bob Whitney, Tom Eyman,
Bill Oliver, Presby Landscape and me
Generously made possible by;
Coventry Log Homes, LPTO, Gordie & Sam Johnk, Bob Whitney, Tom Eyman,
Bill Oliver, Presby Landscape and me
Congratulations to Trevor Hamilton

(I really did randomly select his name from all the correct answers)
for correctly identifing the "Profilers" located in the Profile Plaza.
It was 9 years ago today, when we lost our Old Man.
for correctly identifing the "Profilers" located in the Profile Plaza.
It was 9 years ago today, when we lost our Old Man.
Congratulations to Trina (Luce) Grier

for her Bette Davis Eyes.
In 1939, Bette Davis wanted an escape from Hollywood. She found her peace in Sugar Hill, as well as another husband, Arthur Farnsworth.
As the story goes, Bette Davis was hiking along the Coppermine Trail and got lost (perhaps on purpose) knowing the assistance Inn keeper Arthur Farnsworth would come rescue her. After his death she had this plaque put on a boulder at the side on Coppermine Brook.
In 1939, Bette Davis wanted an escape from Hollywood. She found her peace in Sugar Hill, as well as another husband, Arthur Farnsworth.
As the story goes, Bette Davis was hiking along the Coppermine Trail and got lost (perhaps on purpose) knowing the assistance Inn keeper Arthur Farnsworth would come rescue her. After his death she had this plaque put on a boulder at the side on Coppermine Brook.
Congratulations to Barbara Dahl

for correctly identifing the statue of fomrer Govenor Hugh Gallen (July 30, 1924 – December 29, 1982) was a politician from Littleton, New Hampshire. After serving in the New Hampshire House of Representatives, he won two terms as Governor. The statue is located by the bridge from the old Rt. 3 crossing over Lafayette Brook
Congratulations to Gordie Johnk

for correctly identifing the sign at Tamarack Tennis Camp in Easton.
In 1946, Jack and Peg Kenney opened Tamarack Lodge in Franconia, New Hampshire. Over the years the lodge became home to hundreds of people who came north to ski at Cannon Mountain, and enjoy the Kenney's warm hospitality. Sixteen years later in 1962, Jack and Peg started Tamarack Tennis Camp - New England's first tennis camp.
In 1946, Jack and Peg Kenney opened Tamarack Lodge in Franconia, New Hampshire. Over the years the lodge became home to hundreds of people who came north to ski at Cannon Mountain, and enjoy the Kenney's warm hospitality. Sixteen years later in 1962, Jack and Peg started Tamarack Tennis Camp - New England's first tennis camp.